Configure Haproxy and update it’s configuration file automatically on each time new Managed node (Configured With Apache Webserver) join the inventory on AWS using Ansible-playbook
Let’s start!
To perform this task, first we will have to configure the ansible inventory file and ansible.cfg file
vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Now as we have to perform this task on AWS, so first we will have to launch 3 instance on AWS:
1 for Haproxy and 2 for the web servers
vim aws.yml
Here we have to run it on localhost,
You need a Access_Key and Secret_Key
ansible-playbook aws.yml
You can cross-check your aws instance page:
Now, we have to update the IP in the host file
vim /etc/ansible/hosts
You can see here;
Now 3 hosts are ready one for the Load Balancer and another 2 for the web servers
Listing the hosts:
ansible all — list-hosts
Now we can check the connectivity using ping command:
ansible all -m ping
Now, Lets start writing the ansible playbook
For web servers:
vim aws_haproxy.yml
ansible-playbook -v <file_name> you can use -v (-vv, -vvv, -vvvv ) for more information
ansible-playbook aws_haproxy.yml
Now we will further write the playbook for the haproxy server
To setup a Haproxy LB we have to perform three steps:
step 1: Install the software
step 2: configure the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file and update the backend app Round-Robin IP
step 3: start the services
For step 2, I have updated the configuration file using jinja framework so that it will be automatically updated if any new managed node will come in future, and I’ll copy the file to that location (i.e., /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg) using template module
You can download the code from here: click here
Now the playbook for LB
ansible-playbook aws_haproxy.yml
Now we can check the Haproxy Load balancer is configured or not